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KMID : 0359020010230060445
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2001 Volume.23 No. 6 p.445 ~ p.450
Importances of the Endoscope Cleaning and Disinfection Techniques in the Prevention of Endoscopic Transmission of Helicobacter pylori
±èµµÈÆ/Do Hoon Kim
¹®ÀçÇö/¾ÈÁø±¤/°­´ëȯ/¼Û±Ù¾Ï/Á¶¸ù/¾ç¿õ¼®/Jae Hyeon Moon/Jin Kwang An/Dae Hwan Kang/Geun Am Song/Mong Cho/Ung Seok Yang
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